Introduction to this document
Confirmation statement checklist
The annual confirmation statement is designed to make sure that each company’s records at Companies House are up to date.
The confirmation statement, Companies House Form CS01, needs to be submitted to Companies House every year. If nothing much has changed in the last year, your company can simply sign to confirm that this is the case. However, if things have changed you will need to check that the changes have been recorded properly. Some information can be updated using the confirmation statement, but you may also have to file additional Companies House forms to update your company’s records.
Confirmation statements must be made up to the company’s “confirmation date”, which is a year after incorporation or the date of its last confirmation statement. The twelve-month period is known as the “review period”, and the period covered by a particular statement is the “confirmation period”. Usually, these refer to the same period of time, but confirmation statements can be filed early, so a confirmation period may be shorter in some cases. The confirmation statement has to be filed within 14 days of the confirmation date. Companies House sends out a reminder of confirmation dates.
Statements with a confirmation date of 5 March 2024 or later have to include additional information.
UPDATED09 Aug 2024