Introduction to this document

Corporate hospitality report form

Use our corporate hospitality report form to facilitate the reporting of corporate hospitality invitations by your employees, where they wish to attend the event. Keep the completed forms in a central location and regularly review them.


Our Corporate Hospitality Policy requires employees to report to their manager any corporate hospitality invitation received from clients, customers, suppliers etc. that they would wish to accept (“routine” events are carved out from this reporting duty). The idea is that the manager can then take an objective, balanced decision on whether the hospitality is genuine, proportionate and reasonable, in which case the employee may be permitted to attend at the manager’s discretion, subject to agreement relating to time off work where the event is scheduled to take place during normal working hours. Alternatively, you might decide that the hospitality proposed seems far too lavish, excessive or extraordinary given the particular circumstances of both your business and the client, in which scenario the policy provides for the employee to politely decline the invitation in case it might result in their committing the offence of being bribed under the Bribery Act 2010.

Report form

To make it easier for your employees to declare corporate hospitality invitations, use our Corporate Hospitality Report Form. The employee is required to complete and sign the form as soon as they are invited to the corporate hospitality event and then return it to their manager for assessment. The form asks the employee to provide details of the nature of the corporate hospitality event, including the date, time and expected duration of it, the identity of the hosts and the nature of the employee’s business relationship with them and whether the event is to mark a particular occasion. Corporate hospitality arranged for special occasions is less likely to have been set up to influence business decisions. There’s no need for the employee to complete the form if they have declined, or intend to decline, a particular invitation - if the employee isn’t going anyway, then they’re clearly not agreeing to receive or accept a potential bribe in relation to the event, regardless of how lavish the invitation was. When employees complete the report forms, they should ideally be kept in a central log somewhere so that you can carry out regular overall monitoring of who’s been invited to what and what’s been authorised and what hasn’t.  That way, you can hopefully spot potential problems or causes for concern at an early stage.