Introduction to this document

Environmental quick check

When you think of environmental audits, you might envisage a lengthy and detailed process, but if a quick check is more what you have in mind, use our form.

Review your standards

Our Environmental Quick Check simply lists topic headings to get you thinking about how you’re doing on environmental matters.

This review process should help to flush out any major issues and could save you money by reducing energy costs, preventing spills and by helping to ward off enforcement action.

How to use it

The form is set out in two parts. The first is a checklist with 16 topics. These include, for example, security, waste, pollution and cleaning.

There’s space adjacent to each topic for you to mark whether you find your efforts to be satisfactory and to write the action you want to take along with a priority rating.

The second part of the document supports you when completing the form. There’s guidance to help you understand the standard you’re aiming for in relation to each topic.