Introduction to this document

Noise monitoring and assessment
policy and procedure

If you’ve recognised that noise may be an issue, the next step is to assess and monitor the noise levels. Having a formal policy and procedure in place will help your staff to identify if there’s a problem and, most importantly, what they should be doing to manage it.

Noise reduction and control

Whatever the nature of your business, you need to ensure that you aren’t creating noise that’s going to cause a nuisance. To do this, you’ll need to make an assessment of potential noise sources and the possible impact these sources might have. To assist you, use our Noise Monitoring and Assessment Policy and Procedure document.

Note. If your operation is in a remote location, with no one likely to be affected by your works, then you aren’t likely to be creating a nuisance. However, if your operations are in the middle of a housing estate, your neighbours are probably going to take a keener interest in what you’re doing and what effect your operations are having on them.

Tip. Use our Noise Monitoring Record Sheet to record your assessment.