Introduction to this document

Pre-construction information checklist

Under the CDM Regulations, clients of construction work must provide pre-construction information to contractors and designers. Our pre-construction information checklist will help ensure you’ve covered everything.

CDM Regulations

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 require clients to provide pre-construction information for all construction works, whatever the scale. The purpose of this is to enable contractors to plan and price the job. The level of detail required is proportionate to the risks involved in the project. This checklist provides a list suitable for major construction works, therefore if your project is less complex you can reduce the level of detail accordingly.

Note. In addition to building work, “Construction work” includes some less obvious activities like building repairs and maintenance, redecoration, high-pressure cleaning and work on fixed services such as electrical, gas and telephone installations.

What’s included in the checklist?

The checklist is divided into five sections:

  • project description, e.g. client details, dates, appointees, programme and availability of plans
  • client’s considerations and management requirements, e.g. security, access, fire safety, restrictions and client facilities available
  • hazards, e.g. asbestos, confined spaces, underground and overhead services
  • design issues, e.g. particular materials to be used, and how design changes will be handled
  • the health and safety file.

Information provided by the client should be relevant and proportionate, so although this checklist runs to a couple of pages, you can ignore questions which aren’t relevant to your particular project. It’s best to mark these as “not applicable”.