Introduction to this document

Respiratory protective equipment checklist

Our checklist will help you to select and manage this essential equipment, safeguarding the health of employees and keeping you on the right side of the law.

Why use our form?

Choosing respiratory protective equipment (RPE) from the vast range of products available can be daunting. Legislation requires that this is carried out thoroughly with consideration given to the work environment, substances, practicalities of use, comfort, fit, etc. You must also ensure that it’s used properly once purchased, so you need to ensure staff are trained.

Our checklist guides you through the process of first selecting the right products and then managing their introduction and ongoing use in the workplace.

How to use it

Our document has space at the top for you to complete details of your “location” and, where applicable, “project name”. It finishes with a section to be signed and dated.

In between there are two pages of questions which enable you to audit your procedures. For each one you should tick “Yes”, “No” or “N/A”. If you tick “No”, consider whether there are improvements which need to be implemented. If there are, or if comments are needed to clarify your findings, mark the “FI” column to show that there’s “Further information” at the end of the form.