Introduction to this document

Mobile workers safety policy

If you have large numbers of staff that spend their time off-site, it would be useful to formalise your arrangements into a policy document. We’ve created a detailed document to get you started.

A formal policy

If you have numerous mobile workers, or even a few who spend much of their time out on the road, it would be advisable to formalise your arrangements for managing their health and safety into one policy document. This could take the form of a Mobile Workers Safety Policy, which outlines how you will manage the particular risks which mobile workers face.

Assessing the risks

The first section contains the general statement, which emphasises the risk assessment approach, whilst section two briefly outlines the relevant legislation. The need to carry out risk assessments is covered in the third section, which covers the key areas of driving, lone working, ergonomics and stress. Reducing risks further, e.g. by checking driving licences annually and regular maintenance of company vehicles, is covered in section four.

Other issues

As mobile workers often travel alone, sections five and six cover the risks of lone working and the procedures needed to control them. This includes involving staff in the risk assessment process as they are ones doing the job. Section seven concentrates on ergonomic factors and how they will be managed, e.g. providing trolleys to those that carry heavy loads. The last section sets out how you will maintain communication with these workers, e.g. via team meetings.