Introduction to this document

Stress at work policy

With stress related problems now being the second biggest cause of sickness absence, you should have a stress policy in place. Take a look at ours to help you avoid any unnecessary absences.

Stress at work

According to recent research, stress in the workplace is now the second most commonly reported work-related illness. The established legal position is that an employee is expected to make you aware of any stress-related problems which they’re experiencing, unless they behave in such a way that it should be obvious that there is a serious issue that requires managing. If this happens, you should have procedures in place to deal with it. This is where a Stress at Work Policy comes in useful.

Policy content

Apart from defining exactly what stress is, our policy sets out the legislation that requires you to manage it effectively. Then, it moves onto the most important section - the procedures that staff should follow if they feel that their workload is too high. These include who to report problems to and the point at which a stress risk assessment should be carried out. It then moves on to what further action should be taken in serious cases, such as reallocation of work or referral to a counsellor. The last section sets out how you deal with stress caused by non-work factors.