Introduction to this document

Record of dead legs and infrequently used outlets

Our record will help you to identify areas in your water system at risk from legionella bacteria so you can take action to prevent a problem from arising.

Why you need our document

HSE guidance recommends that those responsible for premises should take certain precautions against Legionnaire’s disease. One of these is to minimise the places where water can stagnate, as this creates the greatest risk.

Water may stagnate in sections of pipe which are not frequently flushed through (known as dead legs) and fittings which are not often used, e.g. taps in remote parts of a building, water softener bypasses, showers, emergency eyewashes/ showers, drinking water fountains etc. The response needed is to either remove the redundant fitting/pipework or flush through regularly.

Note. Flushing through usually needs to be done weekly but may be required more frequently where there is a more susceptible population present, e.g. in hospitals and nursing homes.

How to use this document

This record includes three tables plus a signature sheet.

The first table is provided so that you can list all of the dead legs and infrequently used outlets in the water system. You should then indicate whether these are going to be subject to weekly flushing or if further action is required.

The second table is for a quick record to be made of weekly flushing through of the outlets and dead legs identified. This just needs to be initialled each week.

Note. This shouldn’t be a large or complex job. Quite often it can be incorporated into other routines, e.g. arranging for the cleaners to run the showers at least once per week.

The third table is for recording any additional actions required, such as the removal of dead legs and redundant fittings.