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Company secretary checklist

Private companies don’t need to have a secretary, but many still choose to do so. Does your company need one? Use our checklist to help consider the options.


Whether your company decides to appoint a secretary or not will largely depend on its needs. In larger companies, it can be a full or part-time job to deal with the shareholders, company paperwork and other compliance matters. In smaller companies, which may just need someone to convene meetings, prepare minutes and deal with the occasional filing requirement, there is less of a need. However, some small companies find it’s useful for there to be a point of contact and extra signatory, so they choose to appoint someone to the role anyway (usually someone who is already a director or holds another senior role).

Our checklist takes you through the requirements and points for companies and secretaries to bear in mind.


Companies House must usually be notified of a new appointment, or any change in a secretary’s registered details, within 14 days.