Introduction to this document

Register of environmental legislation - noise and nuisance

This part of our Register of Environmental Legislation covers noise and nuisance issues. Nuisance covers a wide range of problems including fly tipping and grafitti.

Why you need our register

It’s useful to hold a Register of Environmental Legislation even if you are not required to do so (you may need to if you’re ISO14001 certified). Having a register enables you to systematically identify which legislation applies to your business and how. It can also be useful if you’re inspected by the Environment Agency or to satisfy clients during vetting procedures.

Noise and nuisance

Our register is pre-filled with the most commonly applicable legislation in England on the topic of noise and nuisance. It includes the title of the legislation, a brief summary of its purpose, the details of the regulator and a final column for you to complete details of what you’ve done to comply. Although the fourth column is provided for you to complete details of your own arrangements, we’ve given some examples to lead the way.