Introduction to this document

H&S induction - site-based staff

When you employ new staff, it’s vital to make them aware of your health and safety arrangements. If they work on a construction site, use our document to identify what to cover and as a detailed record sheet.

Get the message across

If your staff are employed on construction sites, use our H&S Induction - Site-Based Staff document to identify what information they should be provided with. Also use it to record the fact that you given this important information to new employees.

Personal information

The first sections of the document provide space to record basic information about your new member of staff, including their name, address, etc. In the next section, you should list the types of competency card and qualification they hold.

For example, if they have a Construction Skills Certification Scheme card, you should note the type, registration number and expiry date. As some of your staff are likely to hold a number of cards, we have provided enough space for all of them to be listed.

In addition, there are boxes to record details of other training and qualification. For example, first aid training and site management courses. Again, registration and expiry dates should be noted.

Details of your arrangements

On the second page we have listed a number of documents/procedures/policies, etc. that should be covered in the induction. These include:

  • “The company health and safety policy
  • The fire, emergency, first aid and accident/incident reporting procedures
  • The procedure for risk assessments and method statements.

Next, the document provides boxes to tick so that the employee can confirm they have been issued with items of personal protective equipment.

On site

Following on there are three questions which relate to working on site. These are:

  • “Have you been made aware of what to do when you arrive at a site?
  • Have you been made aware what you must take to each site you work at?
  • Have the procedures for site-specific method statements and risk assessments been made clear?”

On the last page we have listed some of the documents that you should make your staff aware of.

Finally, there are boxes for the new employee and the individual completing the induction to sign.