Introduction to this document

Minutes of grievance meeting

You must take minutes of each grievance meeting that you hold. Our document contains prompts to include all relevant information and acts as proof that you have covered all the matters that should be mentioned during a grievance meeting.


Our Minutes of Grievance Meeting document is intended to ensure that the grievance meeting is conducted in a full, fair and open manner, which is essential if you want to avoid a constructive dismissal claim should your employee later resign and assert this is due to your conduct of the grievance process. The minutes contain the key information that you will need to record in every grievance meeting, e.g. who is present and whether the employee opted to be accompanied. Following the meeting, ask the employee to read the minutes and then sign either to agree them as they are or with their comments or amendments on them. If the employee makes any amendments, state next to their changes whether or not you agree to them.