Documents related to 'DSE standing desk checklist'

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Display screen equipment (DSE) - workstation assessmentWhenever a new employee starts working with you or there are significant changes to the working environment, you should undertake a workstation assessment. You should also do this if an employee ... Read more
08 Oct 2019
Credits: 1
Workstation hotspot checklistUnfortunately, some staff still suffer from aches and pains from working at computer workstations; particularly from hot-desking. If this is true of your workplace, work through our checklist for some fast solutions.Works... Read more
18 Mar 2009
Credits: 1
Laptop health and safety policyWhilst laptops have undoubtedly boosted the productivity of staff outside the office, they can lead to aches and pains if misused. To combat this, introduce a Laptop Health and Safety Policy.Safe use of laptopsLaptops a... Read more
14 Aug 2009
Credits: 1
Safety Briefing
Safety briefing - display screen equipmentThis briefing provides essential information to staff who use computers, tablets and other devices with visual displays. What's covered?The aim of this Safety Briefing - Display Screen Equipment is to ensure t... Read more
01 Jun 2015
Credits: 1
Laptop purchasing checklistWhen buying a laptop, the price and specification are usually the only considerations. But if you don't look at the possible safety issues, you could make an expensive mistake.Purchasing checklistYou can avoid, or at least r... Read more
24 Jan 2009
Credits: 1
Workstation chair and desk specificationIf a workstation assessment indicates that your standard office furniture is unsuitable for a user, our form can be used to specify the right chair and desk. When should this be used and what does it cover?Gett... Read more
01 Sep 2023
Credits: 1
Display screen equipment policyAs display screen equipment is a regular feature of any business, it's useful to have a policy that sets out how you implement the legal requirements surrounding its use. Our template will get you started.Keeping up to d... Read more
09 Nov 2020
Credits: 1