Director’s service agreementAny director who is also an employee of the company should always be given a service contract. As well as ensuring there are no arguments over their status it should also... Read more
Purchase of own shares reporting letter
Purchase of own shares reporting letterRegardless of whether you have applied for advance clearance, where capital treatment has been applied to a share buy-back, you must report the transaction to HMRC.Reporting... Read more
Purchase of own shares clearance letter
Purchase of own shares clearance letterWhere a shareholder of an unquoted company sells their shares back to the issuing company the proceeds in excess of the cost of the shares usually taxed as income.... Read more
Consultancy agreement (clause)
Consultancy agreementIf you hire a genuinely self-employed consultant for their expertise in an area that your employees may be lacking, you should put in place an agreement that sets out the arrangements... Read more
Trial flexible working arrangement letter
Trial flexible working arrangement letterWhen you receive a flexible working application, you may wish to test it out on a trial basis to see whether it can be accommodated within the business or not.... Read more