Documents related to 'Director's resignation letter'

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Ex gratia termination payment receiptOur ex gratia termination payment receipt not only asks the employee to confirm receipt of an ex gratia payment but it also enables you to reach a full and final settlement on their contractual claims related to t... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Termination by mutual consent letterYou can use our letter where there's a mutual agreement that an employee will leave your employment.Termination by agreementTo succeed in a claim for unfair dismissal, amongst other matters, an employee needs to est... Read more
13 May 2022
Credits: 1
Settlement agreementWhen you want to prevent an employee from issuing proceedings in relation to the infringement of their statutory employment rights on termination of their employment, consider going down the settlement agreement route. This is an ... Read more
08 Mar 2024
Credits: 1
Right to search authorisation formEven if you have a contractually binding right to search policy, carrying out a personal search without an employee's express consent may constitute both a civil trespass to the person and a criminal assault. Use our ... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Dismissal or dismissal under consideration after receipt of resignationUse this letter if an employee resigns when a decision to dismiss them is under consideration. Should you still continue with the disciplinary proceedings?If the alleged misconduc... Read more
27 Sep 2016
Credits: 1
Workplace companion confidentiality agreement Where a worker requests to be accompanied to a disciplinary or grievance hearing, use our workplace companion confidentiality agreement. It sets out the extent of the companion's role and your requirements... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Accepting resignation during disciplinary processThis letter is for use before a disciplinary procedure has been completed. If the disciplinary process is continued, and a decision is made to dismiss, use our dismissal after receipt of resignation le... Read more
19 Sep 2016
Credits: 1
 Letter warning actions will be viewed as potential gross misconduct The penalty for proven gross misconduct is normally summary dismissal. This means that employment can be terminated without notice or pay. Certain actions, such as workplace violen... Read more
23 Aug 2011
Credits: 1
Director's service agreementAny director who is also an employee of the company should always be given a service contract. As well as ensuring there are no arguments over their status it should also minimise the possibility of any other misunderstandi... Read more
27 Dec 2023
Credits: 1