Tax and Business

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Company accounts key factsCompanies have to keep adequate financial records that are used to prepare their annual accounts. Our summary takes you through the basics.Records and accountsA company has to keep adequate financial records of its transacti... Read more
18 Jan 2021
Credits: 1
Appointment of directorsWill an offer to join the board made on the golf course suffice? What are the legal and other requirements?ProcessThe process for appointing a director is straightforward but appointing a pal on the golf course on the spur of ... Read more
18 Jan 2021
Credits: 1
Shareholders' meetingsThanks to the popularity of written resolutions, shareholders' meetings are less common. However, they are still sometimes necessary. Use our summary to check that you follow the rules and ensure your company's decisions are valid.... Read more
18 Jan 2021
Credits: 1
Removing a directorThings haven't worked out and you need to get rid of a fellow director. Will showing them the door suffice? Or do you need to follow a set procedure?Time to say goodbyeDirectors cannot just get rid of a fellow board member. Removing... Read more
18 Jan 2021
Credits: 1
Notice of AGM for private limited companyPrivate limited companies don't have to hold an AGM unless the company's articles insist on one taking place. However, there's nothing to stop a company from holding one if it wishes.AdvantagesOne of the main pur... Read more
18 Jan 2021
Credits: 1
Notice of class meetingIt may be necessary to call a meeting of a class of shareholders to decide matters only relevant to their class of shares. Use our model to give notice.Holding a class meetingClass meetings are usually held separately from gene... Read more
18 Jan 2021
Credits: 1
Notice of general meetingThe articles of the company will give the directors the power to call a general meeting (GM) of the company's members (shareholders) in order to try to make important decisions. Use our notice to summon the company's shareholde... Read more
18 Jan 2021
Letter to employees regarding trivial benefitsThe trivial benefits exemption allows employers to make modest gifts to employees and directors tax and NI free. You should notify those to whom you make such gifts of their tax and NI-free status.Tax-fre... Read more
13 Jan 2021
Credits: 1
Flow Chart
Flow chart- inheritance tax - gifts during lifetimeIf you give money, investments or other assets away it can trigger an immediate inheritance tax (IHT) charge. However, there are many exemptions and exceptions. If none of them apply it still does no... Read more
15 Dec 2020
Credits: 1
Flow Chart
Flow chart - taxation of income from jointly owned propertyWhere a jointly owned property is let, determining for tax purposes how much of the income, profits or losses each owner is responsible for is not always straightforward. It depends on the ty... Read more
15 Dec 2020
Credits: 1