Documents related to 'Letter to arrange witness statement for employment tribunal'

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External witness statement request letterIf, during a disciplinary investigation, it transpires that there were external witnesses, then as part of a good investigation you should endeavour to obtain witness statements from them. Use our external wit... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Request to witness to attend disciplinary hearingIn some cases, it might be reasonable to invite a witness to attend a disciplinary hearing to give their evidence and answer questions in person. You can use our letter to do this.Acas Code of Practice... Read more
05 Mar 2021
Credits: 1
Request to attend investigatory meetingOnce allegations have been made against an employee relating to misconduct in the workplace, the first step is to conduct a proper investigation. Particularly where the allegations are reliant on the witness evi... Read more
07 Jul 2023
Credits: 1
Letter informing employee of grievance against themWhere a grievance has been raised by one employee against another, you'll need to notify the latter employee of the grievance allegations and that they're to be investigated.Grievance processEmployees ... Read more
09 Nov 2018
Credits: 1
Future litigation assistance letterWhere an employee is leaving your employment and you were relying on them to give witness evidence at a hearing relating to an employment tribunal claim brought by another employee, you can use our letter to ask for... Read more
11 Mar 2022
Credits: 1
Request to attend grievance investigation meetingWhere a grievance names other employees as witnesses, you should interview them as part of your grievance investigation.Grievance witnessesWhere an employee raises a grievance against another employee,... Read more
UPDATED09 Sep 2024
Credits: 1
Notice of performance review meetingIt's possible to deal with performance issues through your disciplinary procedure. However, where the issue is one of "can't perform" (due to lack of capability) as opposed to "won't perform" (for example, because of nega... Read more
11 Sep 2023
Credits: 1
Response to ex-employee's grievanceIf a former employee raises a grievance, legally you don't have to deal with it, but that doesn't mean it's safe to ignore it. Use our letter to reply.No legal obligationWhilst you must deal with written grievances rais... Read more
12 Apr 2021
Credits: 1
Notification of disciplinary investigationUse our notification of disciplinary investigation letter to inform an employee in writing of the allegations against them and that an investigation will be carried out. If necessary, hold an investigatory me... Read more
11 Mar 2022
Credits: 1
Letter acknowledging harassment complaintWhere an employee reports a complaint of harassment or bullying under the terms of your dignity at work policy, use our letter to acknowledge their complaint and to outline your policy and procedure for handli... Read more
UPDATED14 Aug 2024
Credits: 1