Documents related to 'Extension of deadline to apply for voluntary redundancy'

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Letter confirming no compulsory redundancies necessaryWhere you've accepted volunteers for redundancy, you might find yourself in a position where you no longer need to make any compulsory redundancies as a result. Use our letter to let other affected... Read more
09 May 2013
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First redundancy consultation letterRedundancy law is much more complex than paying an employee off. There must be a genuine redundancy situation and you must treat the employee fairly in the procedure you use prior to the dismissal decision being ta... Read more
24 May 2024
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Acceptance of redundancy volunteer with settlement agreementWhere an employee volunteers for redundancy, one option is to make your acceptance subject to their entering into a settlement agreement, particularly if you're offering enhanced redundancy p... Read more
09 Jun 2023
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Rejection of volunteer for redundancy letterIf you have invited applications for voluntary redundancy as part of your redundancy consultation procedure, you don't have to accept everyone who applies and you can still revert to compulsory redundancy if... Read more
01 Oct 2012
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Letter confirming employee not redundantDuring a redundancy programme, you'll have notified some employees that their roles are at risk. However, where that situation changes and an employee is no longer at risk, you'll need to let them know.Requiremen... Read more
05 Jul 2021
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Letter to wider workforce about redundancy situationIt's good practice to inform the wider workforce about a redundancy situation as it can stop rumours and ease unrest. They don't need to know all the details about your redundancy programme but do let... Read more
08 Jun 2018
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Acceptance of volunteer for redundancy letterEmployees who volunteer and are accepted for redundancy are still regarded in law as having been dismissed, i.e. they have not resigned. This means you must still continue to follow a fair redundancy proce... Read more
15 Jun 2022
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Letter seeking agreement to reduce pay to avoid redundanciesUse our letter to seek employees' agreement to reduce their salaries in order to avoid staff redundancies. Make sure you deal with the situation sensitively and fairly and be prepared for som... Read more
09 Jul 2014
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Offer of re-employment to redundant ex-employeeIf you were forced to make redundancies during an economic downturn, but now business has improved and you need to re-hire, use our letter to offer a redundant employee either their job back or a similar... Read more
02 Jan 2021
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Letter withdrawing redundancy notice due to change of circumstancesYou have a duty to continue to seek work for an employee served with notice of redundancy right up until the date their employment terminates. Sometimes, there might be a change in yo... Read more
01 Oct 2012
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