Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Health and safety rules and information for tenantsIf you're responsible for letting parts of a shared building, it's important to lay down some ground rules and to pass on essential health and safety information. Use our template document to get your ... Read more
03 May 2017
Credits: 1
Work at height safety policy If staff work at height, it's prudent to introduce a policy to show that you take their health and safety seriously. It's also useful to be able to show any inspectors who may visit you. Work at height safety policy If sev... Read more
03 Nov 2017
Credits: 1
LPG safety checklistLiquefied petroleum gas (LPG) such as propane and butane is a fire and explosion risk so needs to be treated with respect. Use our checklist to ensure the risks are tightly controlled.  The dangersLPG is highly dangerous, taking ... Read more
07 Jul 2023
Credits: 1
Risk assessment - driving with hearing lossUse our risk assessment to demonstrate that you have considered the hazards associated with deaf drivers.What's covered?The aim of this Risk Assessment - Driving with Hearing Loss is to record the additional ... Read more
03 Nov 2023
Credits: 1
Business case templateUsing a standardised template allows for consistency in how you approach managers to authorise health and safety initiatives. Use our document to keep track of any requests made.Why use our new template?Use our template to recor... Read more
03 Nov 2023
Credits: 1
Method statement - cleaning and disinfecting a domestic cold water storage tankBecause of the risks associated with water tanks, e.g. legionella bacteria,  manual handling, working in confined spaces etc., you must identify the safe systems of work ... Read more
06 Nov 2023
Credits: 1
Letter confirming reasonable adjustmentsWhere you've agreed to implement reasonable adjustments for an employee's disability or health condition, it's advisable to confirm the details of those agreed adjustments in writing.Reasonable adjustmentsReasonab... Read more
10 Nov 2023
Credits: 1
Alcohol and drug testing clauseYou should only include our clause in the contracts of those in safety critical roles whose use of alcohol or drugs poses safety risks.ApplicationIt's not appropriate to operate an alcohol and drug screening programme fo... Read more
10 Nov 2023
Credits: 1
Anti-slavery and human trafficking policyCertain larger commercial organisations are required to publish an annual slavery and human trafficking statement under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. As this may include information on the organisation's policie... Read more
12 Jan 2016
Credits: 1
Bereavement policyOur bereavement policy goes further than the statutory right to reasonable unpaid time off for dependants. As well as providing for paid or unpaid bereavement leave following the death of an immediate or wider family member, our pol... Read more
04 Apr 2020
Credits: 1