Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Staff briefing - being fuel efficientThis briefing addresses the importance of being fuel efficient, and the impact it has on the business and the environment. What's covered?The aim of this Staff Briefing - Being Fuel Efficient is to remind staff abo... Read more
01 Dec 2023
Credits: 1
Salary sacrifice formUse our form to record an employee's written agreement to a reduction in their salary in return for the provision of a non-cash benefit in kind. Be aware that HMRC will have an interest where the non-cash benefit qualifies for... Read more
07 Feb 2017
Credits: 1
Christmas shutdown checklistIf you're closing your premises over the Christmas period, use our checklist to ensure that your property is protected while you're away.The risksUnfortunately the festive spirit isn't shared by everyone. Christmas is a prime... Read more
01 Dec 2023
Credits: 1
No smoking policyThe smoking ban that applies to most enclosed or partially enclosed workplaces and public premises is now well established. Use our template to make sure that your policy complies across the UK.What's  covered?Smoke-free legislation ... Read more
01 Dec 2023
Credits: 1
Safety Briefing
Safety briefing - method statementsThis briefing describes the purpose and content of method statements and their use by different parties involved in construction work. What's covered?The aim of this Safety Briefing - Method Statements is to tell any... Read more
31 Aug 2016
Credits: 1
Safety Briefing
Safety briefing - roads and streetworksThis briefing addresses the key risks associated with work in a live roadworks environment and the control measures necessary to manage them. What's covered?The aim of this Safety Briefing - Roads and Streetworks... Read more
25 Nov 2015
Credits: 1
Safety Briefing
Safety briefing - safety with steelworkThis briefing addresses the key risks associated with steelworking and the control measures necessary to manage them. What's covered?The aim of this Safety Briefing - Safety with Steelwork is to remind well-train... Read more
18 Jan 2016
Credits: 1
Safety Briefing
Safety briefing - safety in excavationsThis briefing addresses the key risks and control measures needed to manage safe working in excavations.What's covered?The aim of this Safety Briefing - Safety in Excavations is to ensure that all staff are fully... Read more
15 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Safety Briefing
Safety briefing - driving and pulling nailsThis briefing addresses the key risks and control measures needed to manage the driving and pulling of nails. What's covered?The aim of this Safety Briefing - Driving and Pulling Nails is to ensure that all s... Read more
13 Oct 2015
Credits: 1
Safety Briefing
Safety briefing - Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015This briefing provides a short introduction to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM). What's covered?The aim of this Safety Briefing - Construction (Desig... Read more
04 May 2016
Credits: 1