Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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No disciplinary action letterUse this letter when no disciplinary action is to be brought against an employee after an initial investigation.  No case to answerFollowing an investigation into disciplinary allegations, you might conclude that there i... Read more
04 Nov 2016
Credits: 1
Temporary flexible working arrangement letterIf you are willing to agree an urgent temporary flexible working arrangement with an employee outside the terms of your flexible working policy, use our letter to confirm that arrangement.Unexpected domest... Read more
07 Nov 2020
Credits: 1
Accepting resignation during grievance processUse this letter when an employee resigns while there is an ongoing grievance process which has resulted from a grievance that they have raised. Should you continue to look at the grievance?It is prudent ... Read more
19 Sep 2016
Credits: 1
Transgender action planYou can use our transgender action plan to set out the steps that you'll need to consider taking when supporting an employee who is transitioning. Managing the processOur Transgender Equality Policy sets out how you prevent disc... Read more
11 Mar 2019
Credits: 1
Staff toilet upkeep memoOur staff toilet upkeep memo includes basic rules reminding staff of their personal duty to keep toilet and washroom facilities clean and tidy, covering everything from proper use of the toilet to replenishing loo roll supplie... Read more
02 Jun 2017
Credits: 1
Whistleblowing formOur form has been drafted to enable your employees and other workers to easily raise any qualifying disclosures with you under the terms of your whistleblowing policy.Disclosure methodWhile the law provides no set method through wh... Read more
09 Oct 2020
Credits: 1
Secondary employment consent letterWhere an employee seeks your written permission for them to undertake secondary employment, use our letter where you're willing to grant consent for that second job.Contractual clauseOur Outside Business Interests Cl... Read more
07 Feb 2023
Credits: 1
Sunday working opt-in letter There are specific statutory provisions in place relating to shop and betting workers and Sunday trading. Use this letter for shop or betting workers who wish to opt in to Sunday working.Opting out and back in to Sunday ... Read more
11 Sep 2023
Credits: 1
Shift swap request formWhere employees are shift workers, they may sometimes request to swap shifts with each other. Use our form to formalise your process for agreeing to this.Shift workersShift workers tend not to have normal working hours. Instead... Read more
13 Sep 2021
Credits: 1
Notification of probation period review meetingAt the end of an employee's probationary period, you'll need to decide whether to confirm their appointment, extend probation or dismiss them. You're not obliged to have a review meeting with the employee b... Read more
08 Jan 2018
Credits: 1