Documents related to 'Environmental product declaration'

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Project risk assessment informationIf you use generic documents but are asked to make them project-specific, you can do so by attaching a front sheet that includes the required information.Same risks, different sitesIf your staff carry out very simil... Read more
03 Jul 2010
Toolbox talk - templateProviding toolbox talks to your teams is a good way to impart informal safety training to them at their point of work. Populate our template with specific topics and hazards aimed directly at your workforce.Why use our template... Read more
02 Jun 2023
Credits: 1
Annual insurance check letterIf you're using contractors to minimise your liability, check that they're fully insured. Our letter can be used to verify that they're covered.Don't get caught outIf there's an accident on your premises caused by a contractor... Read more
09 Mar 2015
Credits: 1
Business case templateUsing a standardised template allows for consistency in how you approach managers to authorise health and safety initiatives. Use our document to keep track of any requests made.Why use our new template?Use our template to recor... Read more
03 Nov 2023
Credits: 1
Hazardous materials registerUse our register to keep a list of any substances on site which could be hazardous in the event of a fire.Why do you need it?Legislation requires businesses to provide information about hazardous materials (unless there's o... Read more
26 Feb 2013
Credits: 1
Safety intervention If you have to stop operations to discuss safety matters it's a good idea to record them for future reference. Use our template document to standardise your approach and keep track of any safety intervention that's taken place.Why u... Read more
06 Jul 2023
Credits: 1
Flood planHaving a plan in place which details how you will respond in the event of a flood could save your business. Use our document to establish an effective response to forecast flooding. Keeping your head above waterOur Flood Plan has been desig... Read more
05 Jan 2018
Credits: 1
Document registerKeeping control of health and safety documents can be a challenge. Use our register to make it clear what you have and what you need.Why you might need it?It's likely that you will have a number of risk assessments, policies, procedur... Read more
01 Jul 2017
Credits: 1
Confirmation of outcome of redundancy appeal meetingAfter holding an appeal against the decision to dismiss the employee on redundancy grounds, you need to formally notify them, in writing, of the outcome. The decision on an appeal will be final.A fi... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Confirmation of outcome of appeal meetingAfter any appeal meeting that you've granted relating to the dismissal of a short-serving employee, you need to formally notify them in writing of the outcome. The decision on an appeal is final.Uphold or rejec... Read more
01 Oct 2012