Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Bankruptcy clauseAs a general rule, employees don't have to tell you about their bankruptcy unless they're contractually obliged to do so.Express clauseAlthough there might be exceptions for some industries and roles, employees aren't generally obliged ... Read more
17 Oct 2022
Credits: 1
Time off for jury service letterUse our letter confirming time off for jury service to set out the position on pay during their absence. Juries Act 1974Under the Juries Act 1974, individuals may be required to carry out jury service if they are at le... Read more
02 Oct 2018
Credits: 1
Dismissal without notice letter (gross misconduct)If, after a disciplinary hearing, you take the decision to dismiss the employee because they've committed an act of gross misconduct, such as theft or violence, you will need our dismissal without noti... Read more
05 Nov 2013
Credits: 1
Permit to work - confined spacesWorking in confined spaces is a high-risk activity that can lead to fatalities if not managed properly. A permit can help you manage these risks and reduce them to a safe level.What's a confined space?Confined spaces ar... Read more
02 Sep 2022
Credits: 1
CCTV policyIf you have CCTV cameras installed at work, or are thinking of installing them, you should have a CCTV policy in place and you should also read the Information Commissioner's Office Code of Practice for Surveillance Cameras and Personal Inf... Read more
22 May 2018
Credits: 1
Permit to work - roof workIf you have work completed on your roof, then you have a legal responsibility to ensure that it's done safely. Our permit to work will help you to fulfil your duty.What's coveredYou should use the Permit to Work - Roof Work wh... Read more
27 Feb 2012
Credits: 1
Cash handling policyGood cash-handling policies and procedures are critical to any business that works with cash on a day-to-day basis. They can help prevent fraud in the workplace, as well as ensuring you have proper security and auditing arrangemen... Read more
22 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Dismissal without notice letter (absent employee)If, after a disciplinary hearing which is held in the employee's absence, you take the decision to dismiss them because they've committed an act of gross misconduct, you will need our dismissal without n... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Redundancy termination noticeOnce you've completed your consultation procedure and you need to make an employee redundant, you must issue them with a formal notice of termination of employment.Notice of redundancyAfter the completion of your full and ... Read more
07 Jul 2023
Credits: 1
Time off in lieu formUse our time off in lieu form to enable your employees to keep records of all time off in lieu accrued and then taken. Ensure they are aware that the form needs to be countersigned by their line manager each time that time off in... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1