Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Time to train appeal meeting letterWhere you've declined (or only partially accepted) an employee's application for time to train, under the statutory procedure they have a right of appeal. Use our time to train appeal meeting letter if they do decide ... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Time to train application formEligible employees who work in businesses that employ 250 or more employees have a statutory right to request time off for the purposes of study or training.  Our time to train application form will ensure that the empl... Read more
22 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Dismissal on notice due to unsatisfactory performance/conduct letterYou should only use this letter where the employee has short service. This is because longer-serving employees have unfair dismissal rights so they need to be treated entirely differe... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Permit to work - hot workOur permit can be used to control the fire risk from processes which use naked flames or give off high levels of heat or sparks.When and why do you need a hot work permit?As explained at the start of our document, the permit ... Read more
04 Feb 2014
Credits: 1
Acceptance of redundancy volunteer with settlement agreementWhere an employee volunteers for redundancy, one option is to make your acceptance subject to their entering into a settlement agreement, particularly if you're offering enhanced redundancy p... Read more
09 Jun 2023
Credits: 1
Computer policyIt's important in all office-based workplaces to have policy statements on the use of computers, email and the internet at work and on using the telephone. Our policy covers the essentials to protect your computer systems and networks.C... Read more
14 Oct 2022
Credits: 1
Corporate hospitality policyOur corporate hospitality policy helps you monitor client entertainment given or received. The Bribery Act 2010 doesn't ban corporate hospitality but you do need to ensure you're properly monitoring and limiting it to what i... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Adoption leave and pay policyTaking time off for adoption leave is still a relatively rare occurrence but it's worth having a policy to let employees know their entitlements. In most cases, this will be by reference to the statutory rights.Adoption le... Read more
05 Jan 2024
Credits: 1
Career breaks policyCareer breaks are often a useful way of ensuring that long-serving employees don't permanently leave your employment. If you do wish to include a provision for career breaks, always ensure they are discretionary and not contractual... Read more
08 Nov 2009
Credits: 1
Alcohol and drugs policyA policy statement outlining your position on alcohol and drug abuse is a must, particularly if your business is in an industry where health and safety concerns are paramount. You owe a duty to your employees and to third part... Read more
30 Nov 2020
Credits: 1