Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Secondary employment rejection letterWhere an employee has sought your consent to their taking on a second job, use our new letter where you're not willing to grant permission for that secondary employment.Considering permissionOur Outside Business In... Read more
12 May 2023
Credits: 1
TUPE election for pre-transfer consultationOur TUPE election for pre-transfer consultation can be issued by a transferee to a transferor in a TUPE situation where mass redundancies are proposed post-transfer in order to start the collective redundanc... Read more
08 Apr 2014
Credits: 1
Notice of return to normal workingWhere your employees have been laid off or on short time working, if your situation improves enough for you to be able to take them back on their normal working hours, you can use our letter to inform them of this. Y... Read more
12 Nov 2021
Credits: 1
Letter to staff following a share purchaseIf you buy an existing company by way of a share purchase, you can use our letter to write to all the employees of that company letting them know what has happened.Letter benefitsWhen you purchase the shares ... Read more
07 Jul 2020
Credits: 1
Response to employment particulars requestEmployees employed before 6 April 2020 have a statutory right to request an updated written statement of employment particulars that includes all the additional information required to be covered in new writt... Read more
09 Oct 2020
Credits: 1
TUPE cancellation of election for pre-transfer consultationIf, as a transferee in a TUPE situation, you've issued a notice of election to the transferor for pre-transfer consultation in relation to proposed collective redundancies, you can subsequentl... Read more
04 Apr 2023
Credits: 1
GDPR letter notifying personal data breachAs well as notifying the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), certain personal data breaches must also be notified to affected data subjects. Your notification to them must, as a minimum, describe the natu... Read more
13 Sep 2018
Credits: 1
GDPR restriction of processing response letterIndividuals have a right in certain circumstances to prevent the processing of their personal data. If processing is restricted, you can store the data, but you have limited rights to process it. Use our ... Read more
02 Dec 2020
Credits: 1
GDPR rectification of data response letterOnce you've dealt with an individual's request, made under the UK GDPR, for rectification of their personal data, you can use our letter to set out your response to them.Rectification of personal dataThe UK GDP... Read more
10 May 2020
Credits: 1
Auto-enrolment postponement letterYou can postpone auto-enrolling employees in your workplace pension for up three months. This might mean that you never have to include temporary workers. Postponement can also be used in other situations, such as fo... Read more
03 Apr 2020
Credits: 1