Introduction to this document

Site setup checklist

When you start a construction project, there are many issues to consider - not least ticking the health and safety boxes. To ensure you don’t overlook anything important, use our checklist.

So many things to remember

When you set up a new site, it’s vital that you get the health and safety issues sorted as quickly as possible. If you don’t and your site is inspected by the HSE, it will be tough to convince an inspector that “we were just about to do that”. So to make sure you start on the right foot, use our new Site Setup Checklist.

Starting point

The document starts by guiding you through the paperwork and notification requirements. It asks you to confirm that the HSE has been notified of your project (if appropriate to do so), you have created a construction phase plan, a fire plan, developed site rules, have method statements, risk assessments, insurance policies and standard forms for accident reporting, etc.

Who’s on site?

Next the form covers “Training and induction”. This includes making sure you have a signing in book, a standard site induction process and nominated someone to complete it.

Note. It’s an explicit legal requirement to complete site inductions. These make sure that anyone working on site is aware of the site-specific safety risks and the control measures to be followed.

Information required

The next two sections cover site signage. Firstly, the form asks you to check general site signage. This includes warning and fire signs, etc.

Next, the form covers the “Site notice board”. Here it states what information should be displayed on the board. This includes the F10 notification, the HSE Health and Safety Law poster, site rules, emergency contact details and more.