Introduction to this document

Action report letter

If an inspector sends you a letter with a list of health and safety breaches, you must respond to them. Failing to do so is likely to result in enforcement action being taken. To ensure that you provide sufficient information, use our sample letter.

Formal response

If an inspector identifies what they see as breaches of health and safety legislation, they will issue a letter to the duty holder (whoever has the responsibility of addressing the issues). The letter will be in two parts. Part A identifies specific legal breaches, e.g. failing to complete thorough inspections. Part B are recommendations, e.g. to improve your health and safety policy.

Additional information

Our sample letter provides space to include information about the issue that needed addressing and the actions taken. There’s also room to provide additional information. Here you can include photographs or a longer explanation of the work that was completed and by whom etc. At the end of the document you’re asked to list any supporting information, e.g. test results, training certificates etc.