Introduction to this document

Project health and safety diary

Maintaining a project diary can help to you to keep on top of compliance issues and more.


The Project Health and Safety Diary can be used to record brief details of any significant events and be kept on file for future reference. In addition to being a safety document, it can also be used as a project management tool.

What’s on the form?

The document starts by prompting you to identify what project the diary relates to. It also asks you to identify the timespan the diary covers. If you have a particularly busy site, you may wish to complete a new record every day. If things are quieter, this period can be stretched to a week or maybe even a month.

Note. Each of the areas of the form can be extended. For example, if you wish to use the diary as a record of who was on site and when, you can extend the space we have provided to record “site personnel”. The same goes for identifying the plant and equipment that have been used.