Introduction to this document

Lift owner inspection record

Passenger lifts are complex pieces of machinery so it’s crucial to ensure that they’re in good order. Use our lift owner inspection record for this purpose.

Maintenance strategy

Passenger lifts are managed in much the same way as a road vehicle, with a regime of: (1) six monthly thorough examination and testing under the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (a bit like an MOT); (2) routine servicing and repairs as needed by a specialist; and (3) regular owner inspections.

The checks which the owner or premises manager undertakes need not be at all onerous. To demonstrate this we’ve distilled them into twelve points in our Lift Owner Inspection Record. The questions are based on advice from the Lift and Escalator Industry Association from its “Guidance on the management of lifts, escalators and similar products”.

How to use it

Complete the location and lift number/description in the spaces provided then work your way through the questions marking them, “yes”, “no”, or “N/A” (not applicable). If you wish to add comments, you should also tick the “F/I” (further information) column and then write the details in the box provided at the end of the form.

In addition there are spaces at the end to list the date, the name and job title of the individual completing the document and their signature.

How often?

There is no strict guidance on the frequency of these checks. Instead you must base it on the likelihood of something breaking or going out of alignment. Weekly would be usual so the best advice is to start off by undertaking them every seven days and then adjust the frequency according to the findings of your checks. For example, if you find regular problems, carry them out more frequently.

What’s covered?

Many of the checks can be completed by operating the lift and being observant. For example, checking that the lift door opens when the open doors button is pressed, interior lights are functioning, the emergency procedure is displayed and landing indicators are all showing. The inspection must also include observation of any damage to floors or edges, a check that the door track is clean and listening for any unusual noises.

Safety features must be tested including the door safety edge and the alarm or communication system. Testing the door safety features involves obstructing the closing door to check that it reopens.

The inspector should finish by looking at the lift car operating panel (in case of fault indicators) and checking that lift release procedures and equipment are accessible.

All of these points are described in full in our document.