Introduction to this document

Flow chart - Responding to staff illness

An employee’s illness and subsequent return to work must be dealt with carefully to avoid putting them or others at additional risk. Use our flow chart to manage the process safely and professionally.

How does it work?

Our Flow Chart - Responding to Staff Illness is a step-by-step guide to dealing with the health and safety side of illness. It also covers the steps to be taken when an employee returns to work after a period of sickness absence.

The flow chart has been designed to fit on a single sheet to help with ease of use, and is made up of a selection of boxes, with each containing the relevant information for the step to be taken.

The boxes are then joined together by arrows, each with a “yes” and “no” answer option, which in turn will determine the next step for you to take.

You’re led through a number of stages which evaluate the employee’s condition and ability to work safely, resulting in them either returning to their old job, an adapted version, or other employment option, as appropriate.

For those who return after a period of sickness absence there’s a similar process of evaluation to ensure that they’re fit for the job and adaptions are made as needed.