Introduction to this document


Invitation to attend an appraisal meeting

An appraisal is a formal process that allows you and a member of staff to assess their performance over a given period of time. Most usually, they take place on an annual or half-yearly basis. Our invitation to attend an appraisal meeting letter sets the date for the meeting and provides other relevant information that your employee needs to have.

The appraisal system

Carrying out a detailed appraisal has a number of benefits for you and your employee. For example, it allows you the opportunity to:

  • review and provide feedback on their performance
  • set pre-determined objectives to maximise performance
  • reinforce the company's aims and objectives; and
  • prevent legal problems from arising. 

It also gives the employee the opportunity to:

  • comment on their performance
  • bring any problems to your attention
  • suggest ways to make improvements, e.g. training
  • outline their goals for the future.

So, in light of the above, the process should not be underestimated. However, it's important that both the employee and their manager are properly prepared for the meeting. To ensure this happens, you should write to the employee beforehand confirming the date of the meeting and highlighting other information or requirements.

Getting prepared 

Our Invitation to Attend Appraisal Meeting advises the employee on: (1) the time and date of the meeting; and (2) who will be conducting it. It then outlines the procedure and what will be discussed.

If you need the employee to bring any particular information to the meeting, e.g. sales or training records, you can insert this where appropriate. Finally, it asks them to confirm that the scheduled meeting is convenient.