Introduction to this document

Letter inviting employee to attend a keeping in touch day

An employee is under no obligation to attend a “keeping in touch” (KIT) day - it's entirely their choice. But if you feel this process would be beneficial, you can explain why. You should also set out the details on pay. Use our letter for this purpose.

We'd like to see you

You don't have to invite an employee who is on a period of maternity leave or adoption leave to work a KIT day, but it can make sense if there's a lot going on within your organisation. For this purpose, you might wish to arrange a general "catch up day", or suggest that they attend a particular meeting or event, e.g. a conference, training or team briefing. At the same time, however, they are under no obligation to attend or agree to your proposal, i.e. you can't insist on it.


They're more likely to accept if you give them as much notice as possible. So send our Letter Inviting Employee to Attend a Keeping in Touch Day as soon as you know that their attendance would be beneficial for all concerned

Providing the details

Our letter sets out the:

  • employee's rights
  • KIT day arrangements proposed
  • purpose of the KIT day
  • arrangements for pay (you can decide what this will be).

Don't forget that even if an employee only comes in for a few hours, it counts as a full KIT day. You can't split them up into individual working hours, e.g. four hours on a Monday and four hours on a Friday. Once the KIT day has been worked, it's gone.

Note. If an employee can't attend a particular meeting, e.g. a team briefing, via KIT day arrangements, always update them on what was discussed; this can be done by sending an email or letter afterwards.