Introduction to this document

Load handling - preliminary risk assessment

If your staff are involved in handling loads and there’s a possibility of injury, then you’ll need our load handling - preliminary risk assessment form.

When to use the form

According to the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, you need to carry out a risk assessment of any manual handling task which cannot be avoided and which carries a risk of injury. Helpfully, there’s guidance which tells us whether a task presents a risk of injury. The first part of the assessment process is therefore to identify manual handling tasks and work out whether they need a more detailed risk assessment. You should write down your answers, as later you may need to show your thought process, e.g. if an inspector visits.

What’s covered?

The form includes spaces for you to complete details about the task, including the weight of the load, the distance carried or pushed/pulled and the frequency of the operation. At the end of the form you identify whether the task requires a more detailed assessment; there’s guidance to explain when this would be required.