Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Letter asking about secondary workIf an employee is undertaking secondary work without your knowledge or permission, it could put them in breach of their employment contract and you in breach of the 48-hour maximum average weekly working time limit. ... Read more
13 Nov 2017
Credits: 1
Letter requesting consent to obtain medical report and medical report consent formWhen you require a medical report from an employee's GP or consultant, you will first need their written consent in order to comply with the Access to Medical Reports Ac... Read more
24 May 2018
Credits: 1
Notice of absence management meetingIt's potentially fair to dismiss an employee because of an unsatisfactory attendance record caused by persistent but genuine short-term sickness absences, provided a proper procedure is followed which is fair and re... Read more
11 Sep 2023
Credits: 1
Letter requesting attendance at a medical examination and medical examination consent formAs an alternative to requesting a medical report from an employee's own GP or consultant, there is the option of the employee undergoing a medical examination by... Read more
24 May 2018
Credits: 1
May be fit for work acknowledgement letterOur letter sets up a meeting with an employee where their GP or other authorised healthcare professional has stated they may be fit for work if appropriate adjustments are made. Discuss the contents of the... Read more
10 Sep 2021
Credits: 1
Letter treating uncertified sickness absence as unauthorisedIf an employee has continually failed to submit a statement of fitness for work, or fit note, to cover a period of sickness absence of more than seven calendar days, you can then treat their... Read more
06 Apr 2020
Credits: 1
Letter withdrawing SSPUse our letter where you're not going to pay SSP either because of the employee's failure to comply with your sickness absence reporting requirements or you have good reason to doubt that the employee's incapacity is genuine. If yo... Read more
06 Jan 2017
Credits: 1
Letter to sick employee requesting contactOur letter asks your employee to get in touch with you where they're on long-term sick leave and you've been unable, for whatever reason, to get hold of them to check on their progress and to discuss a possible... Read more
07 Feb 2018
Credits: 1
Notice to take holiday during notice periodOur notice can be used to require an employee to take some, or all, of their remaining annual leave entitlement during their notice period on resignation or dismissal. As well as removing them from the workp... Read more
11 Apr 2017
Credits: 1
Response to request to cancel or amend holidayWhere an employee has had their request for annual leave approved but then they subsequently request to either cancel it completely or amend their leave dates, use our letter to reply to them. It includes... Read more
08 Feb 2018
Credits: 1