Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Advance notice of cash shortages and stock deficiencies Workers in retail employment have special additional protection in respect of deductions from their wages to recoup cash shortages and stock deficiencies. An employer may not deduct more than o... Read more
02 Dec 2016
Credits: 1
Notification of grievance meetingIf an employee raises a grievance in writing, the first step is to write inviting them to attend a formal grievance meeting at which their issues or complaints will be discussed in detail. Our notification of grievanc... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Minutes of grievance meeting You must take minutes of each grievance meeting that you hold. Our document contains prompts to include all relevant information and acts as proof that you have covered all the matters that should be mentioned during a gr... Read more
09 Jul 2015
Credits: 1
Letter notifying outcome of whistleblowing disclosureIf a worker has made a protected disclosure under your whistleblowing policy, you should inform them of the outcome of your investigation and give an indication of any actions that you'll now be tak... Read more
13 Sep 2021
Credits: 1
Letter to employee who is imposing strong beliefsSometimes you come across employees with strong religious or philosophical beliefs. The Equality Act 2010 states that, if their belief is protected, an individual must not be treated less favourabl... Read more
11 Nov 2022
Credits: 1
Meeting invitation to discuss lay-off or short time workingIf you want to implement or propose a lay-off or short time working to deal with temporary work shortages, start the process off by arranging a meeting with affected employees using our lette... Read more
04 Apr 2023
Credits: 1
Meeting to discuss reasonable adjustmentsWhere an employee submits a request for reasonable adjustments related to a disability, you should hold a meeting with them to discuss their request, which you can arrange using our letter.Statutory dutyThe du... Read more
06 Jul 2023
Credits: 1
Notice to discuss dress policy breachIf an employee turns up to work dressed in clothing that breaches your dress and appearance policy, speak to them to explain the problem and send them home to get changed if necessary. After that, use our notice t... Read more
12 May 2016
Credits: 1
Letter confirming charity cake bake rulesOur letter sets out a series of rules to be complied with where you've agreed to let an employee host a cake sale day at work to raise money for a nominated charity. Make sure you're clear about what your requir... Read more
07 Feb 2017
Credits: 1
Letter requiring removal of social media postingsUse our letter to deal with individuals posting unacceptable comments about the business or its employees, clients, etc. on social media websites. It requires them to immediately remove the comments an... Read more
11 Nov 2014
Credits: 1