Introduction to this document

Notification of grievance meeting

If an employee raises a grievance in writing, the first step is to write inviting them to attend a formal grievance meeting at which their issues or complaints will be discussed in detail. Our notification of grievance meeting letter will keep you on the right track.

Grievance meeting

Use our Notification of Grievance Meeting to invite an employee to attend a formal grievance meeting at which their grievance will be discussed. Arranging a grievance meeting is your first step in the formal procedure once the employee has raised their written grievance. Our letter confirms the date and time of the meeting, explains what the employee’s rights are and sets out what the format will be for the meeting. It also complies with the Acas Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures, which requires you to invite the employee to attend a meeting to discuss the grievance. Where the grievance is vague in nature, if needs be simply ask the employee to provide fuller details in advance of the meeting so that you can consider it properly.