Employment law - Contractual clauses

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Staff handbook compliance clauseOur clause places employees under an express contractual obligation to comply with your Staff Handbook.Contractual or non-contractualIt's your choice whether to make your Staff Handbook (or parts of it) contractual or n... Read more
UPDATED14 Jun 2024
Credits: 1
Lay-off and short time working clauseConsider inserting a lay-off and short time working clause into employment contracts enabling you to temporarily lay off an employee with no work and no pay, or to temporarily reduce their hours/days of work during... Read more
UPDATED14 Jun 2024
Termination without notice clauseOur clause sets out the circumstances in which you can terminate an employee's employment contract immediately without notice or pay in lieu.Notice rightsOur Termination Without Notice Clause sets out various circumsta... Read more
UPDATED10 May 2024
Credits: 1
Unmeasured working clauseWhere the duration of a worker's working time isn't measured or predetermined or they can determine it, they're exempt from some provisions of the Working Time Regulations.Unmeasured working time exemptionsThe Working Time Regul... Read more
UPDATED10 May 2024
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Compassionate leave clauseOur compassionate leave clause focuses on the death or very serious illness of an immediate family member. Subject to statutory provisions on time off for dependants, carer's leave and parental bereavement leave, it's really u... Read more
02 Apr 2024
Credits: 1
Zero-hours contract clauseA zero-hours contract is generally one where you're not obliged to provide the worker with any work at all and the worker is not obliged to accept any hours offered. There are no guaranteed minimum hours of work. Therefore, i... Read more
24 Mar 2024
Written statement of employment particularsIssuing at least a basic statement of the main terms and conditions of employment is a legal requirement. But the use of a full-blown contract with clauses tailored to suit your needs offers you far greater ... Read more
24 Mar 2024
Credits: 1
Casual worker agreementIf you use casual workers where there's no guarantee you'll offer them work and the worker won't generally be expected to accept any work offered, you can use our casual worker agreement. Whilst our agreement is drafted to confer ... Read more
24 Mar 2024
Credits: 1
Deductions from wages clauseA deductions from wages clause enables you to make deductions from an employee's pay in the event that the employee fails to work out their notice period or where they otherwise owe you money. Unauthorised deductionsSubject... Read more
05 Feb 2024
Credits: 1
Retail employment deductions from wages clauseSpecial statutory provisions apply to deductions from the wages of retail workers where those deductions are made because of cash shortages or stock deficiencies. Use our clause to ensure you comply with ... Read more
05 Feb 2024
Credits: 1