Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Licence to occupyThis agreement is for use in conjunction with a clause requiring an employee to live on site for the better performance of their duties (see our accommodation clause).  We recommend that you seek specialist advice on the rights of a... Read more
05 Oct 2016
Credits: 1
Letter to next of kin on death of employeeUse our letter to offer your condolences to the deceased's next of kin on the death of an employee. It also raises the issue of final salary and other payments which may be due to the estate or other beneficia... Read more
12 Feb 2019
Credits: 1
Invitation to absent employee to work-related eventOur letter enables you to invite absent employees, such as those on long-term sick leave or maternity leave, to any work-related events. It sets out the details of the event but makes clear that the ... Read more
09 Jul 2018
Credits: 1
Loan application formOur loan application form asks the employee to specify the type and purpose of loan requested from you, the amount they wish to borrow and the date it's required. They also need to provide further information relating to their pre... Read more
03 Mar 2017
Credits: 1
Notice of staff meeting outside normal working hoursIf you need to hold a general staff meeting, it may be hard to find a time when everyone is available. So you might need to ask some employees if they're willing to attend outside their normal workin... Read more
30 Aug 2013
Credits: 1
Letter explaining opt-out rights for betting workers There are specific statutory provisions in place relating to betting workers and Sunday trading. This letter may be used for new betting workers and should be given to them within two months of st... Read more
11 Sep 2023
Credits: 1
Letter following informal discussion of minor poor performanceIn cases of minor poor performance, before you launch into instituting the formal disciplinary or capability procedure, you should try to resolve the issue informally first by discussion ... Read more
28 May 2013
Credits: 1
Letter imposing a lay-off or short time working (in exercise of a specific contractual power)If you're looking at temporary ways of reducing employment overheads due to a work downturn but without having to resort to redundancy, implementing a lay-off... Read more
12 Nov 2021
Credits: 1
Letter informing agency worker of rights after twelve weeksThis letter is for you to give directly to agency workers to inform them of any changes that may occur to their terms and conditions after they have completed twelve weeks on assignment. Ther... Read more
11 May 2018
Credits: 1
Right to search authorisation formEven if you have a contractually binding right to search policy, carrying out a personal search without an employee's express consent may constitute both a civil trespass to the person and a criminal assault. Use our ... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1