Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Checklist of practical steps to protect businesses from breaches of confidentialityThis checklist provides practical guidance and tips on how to best protect your business from breaches of confidentiality.  It covers things to consider and do in rel... Read more
14 Sep 2016
Credits: 1
Disability agreed adjustments recordOur document records what reasonable adjustments have been agreed by a disabled worker's line manager. The record is "owned" by the worker and whenever they move roles, are relocated or change manager, they can give i... Read more
11 Jun 2019
Credits: 1
Gifts report formUse our gifts report form to give your employees an easy way to declare the receipt of gifts from clients, suppliers, etc. It's then up to you to decide whether the gift is reasonable or whether it's too lavish and therefore could pote... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Health questionnaire for night workersAll night workers are legally entitled to a free health assessment before starting night work and then at regular intervals. Ask your night workers to complete our health questionnaire on an annual basis. It's aim... Read more
22 May 2018
Credits: 1
Informal meeting request Our letter will assist you in arranging an informal meeting with an employee to discuss your concerns with their performance or conduct. Use it where the issues are minor so that an informal approach is the best way to start.... Read more
11 Feb 2014
Credits: 1
Employment overview record Our employment overview record can be placed at the front of an employee's personnel file to enable you to have easy access to key information about their employment history.  Personnel recordsYou probably keep a personnel ... Read more
08 Sep 2015
Credits: 1
Internal announcement of employee's return to workUse our statement to announce to other staff that an employee is returning to work following long-term absence due to either sickness or maternity, adoption or shared parental leave or a career break.I... Read more
08 Nov 2019
Credits: 1
Lay offs and short-time working checklistShort-time work or a temporary lay off can be a solution to short term problems such as a temporary downturn in business. This checklist is useful where employees may be entitled to a guarantee payment or a re... Read more
27 Sep 2016
Credits: 1
Letter acknowledging whistleblowing disclosureIf a worker has blown the whistle on wrongdoing at work, you'll need to promptly investigate the matter. Start by using our letter to confirm receipt of their disclosure and to advise them of what the next... Read more
06 Sep 2017
Credits: 1
Letter to employee's emergency contactWhere an employee is absent from work without permission and you've been unsuccessful in contacting them personally, one of the steps you should take is to contact their next of kin or listed emergency contact. Use... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1