Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Initial safety surveyIf your staff will carry out work on an unfamiliar site, use our survey form to help you to plan the job properly. What's covered?What are you dealing with? When your staff work on clients' sites you won't usually have full control ... Read more
28 Feb 2017
Credits: 1
Property viewing safety checkIf you're an estate agent or show visitors around properties for other reasons, you need to consider whether it's safe to do so. Use our safety check form to identify any potential safety issues.Why do you need it?The creat... Read more
31 May 2017
Credits: 1
Tips for fuel efficient drivingChanging the way we drive can create significant fuel savings, so it's well worth a little effort. Our Tips for Fuel Efficient Driving provide a handy briefing note on the subject which you can give to staff.What's covere... Read more
17 Dec 2010
Credits: 1
Pre-opening checklistIf you're running an event, one of your first priorities is to select a venue which can safely accommodate your planned activities. But having chosen the right premises, you still have work to do. Use our pre-opening checklist to ... Read more
06 Apr 2018
Credits: 1
Residential property safety checklistIf you're responsible for accommodation which is let out as living space, there are various health and safety considerations. Our checklist will help you with your on-site checks. Using the documentMany people thin... Read more
04 May 2018
Credits: 1
Alleged or suspected food poisoning incident formIf you are accused of causing food poisoning, you'll need to gather information to defend your position. Use our form to do this effectively.Helpful in formationDo not admit liability at the time of the... Read more
04 May 2018
Credits: 1
Allergen identification tableWhen you prepare and serve unpackaged food products, it's now necessary to provide allergy information. Use our table to identify what's in your products. Legal obligationOn 13 December 2014 the EU Food Information for Cons... Read more
10 Mar 2015
Credits: 1
Alternative disciplinary sanctions letterIt's possible to impose a disciplinary sanction other than dismissal on an employee provided you've the contractual right to do so and the sanction is only temporary.Usual disciplinary sanctionsThe Acas Code of ... Read more
12 Feb 2024
Credits: 1
Disciplinary demotion letterInstead of dismissing an employee for misconduct or gross misconduct, it is permissible to demote them as a disciplinary sanction provided this is on a temporary basis and you have the contractual right to do so. Our disci... Read more
12 Feb 2024
Credits: 1
Compliance audit - siteIf you're managing construction works, you must ensure that the health and safety arrangements are up to scratch. You can check this using our form. In-depth checkAs construction works have significant risks associated with the... Read more
03 Nov 2017
Credits: 1