Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Permit to work - stepladdersAlthough stepladders are recognised as acceptable work equipment to enable staff to work at height, you may want to control who uses them and when. This can be achieved with a permit to work document. Balancing actAlthough... Read more
21 Dec 2016
Credits: 1
Personal protective equipment assessmentPrior to issuing any personal protective equipment (PPE), such as safety shoes, gloves and masks, you are legally required to make an assessment of its suitability. Use our form to record your assessment.Legal ... Read more
18 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Probe thermometer check recordIf you sell food or provide it as part of a chargeable service, a probe thermometer is one of the most important tools in your kitchen. Use our form to ensure it's working as it should be.Why is this important?Those who w... Read more
27 Nov 2017
Credits: 1
Power operated door logUse our document to create a record which proves that your power operated door is being properly maintained.Responsible managementThe Power Operated Door Log provides a record of what was done, when and why, along with any outs... Read more
28 Nov 2019
Credits: 1
Portable electrical appliance registerIf you have a small number of electrical appliances, your system for managing portable appliance testing need not be overcomplicated. Our register form can help with this.When to PAT?Portable appliances should be... Read more
02 Nov 2016
Credits: 1
Capability procedureDealing with an employee's poor performance can be particularly difficult where you know they are simply incapable of fulfilling the tasks and duties expected of them in their role, so they aren't really to blame. Our capability pr... Read more
05 Feb 2024
Credits: 1
Response to "heat of the moment" resignationResignations given in anger by employees in the "heat of the moment" are sometimes capable of being retracted, so it's not safe to simply treat them as valid. Likewise, where an employee resigns in writing but r... Read more
05 Feb 2024
Credits: 1
Withdrawal of resignation rejectionUnless an employee's resignation was given in the heat of the moment and wasn't really intended or conscious and rational at the time it was given, you aren't obliged to accept any subsequent request from them to withd... Read more
05 Jul 2021
Credits: 1
Vibration tools safety procedureAs vibration tools can cause health problems if not used properly, it's important to instruct new staff on their safe use. Do this by incorporating a safety procedure into your induction training.Vibration tools safety ... Read more
02 Nov 2009
Credits: 1
Work equipment reminder checklistIf staff forget items of work equipment, it could impact on safety standards. To stop this from happening, use our checklist. Where's your hard hat? Staff who work away from a central location must leave for the day eq... Read more
30 Sep 2014
Credits: 1