Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Work activities information sheetIf you wish to contact an employee's GP about their ability to continue carrying out manual handling tasks, you can attach a sheet that gives detailed information on their work activities. Ours can get you started.A re... Read more
26 Jun 2009
Credits: 1
Occupational health exam and tests consent formIf you require an occupational assessment of an employee's health, you will need to obtain their permission first. Use our consent form to do this and to establish the ground rules.What is a health assess... Read more
08 Jan 2020
Credits: 1
Workstation chair and desk specificationIf a workstation assessment indicates that your standard office furniture is unsuitable for a user, our form can be used to specify the right chair and desk. When should this be used and what does it cover?Gett... Read more
01 Sep 2023
Credits: 1
Fire extinguisher selection guideHow many extinguishers do you require? Our guide will help you ascertain the correct figure.Why use it?Although you can ask the advice of a fire extinguisher supplier they aren't exactly unbiased and you may find that ... Read more
29 Jan 2024
Credits: 1
Emergency lighting inspection and testing instructionsWhen testing emergency lighting the recommendations of the relevant British Standard should be taken in to account. Use our document to help you through the process.Why do you need this?Where emer... Read more
07 Sep 2020
Credits: 1
Escape route checksheetOnce you've identified a passageway as an escape route, it's vital to keep it clear, easily identifiable and useable. This should involve weekly formal checks in addition to more frequent visual inspections.Why and how to use the... Read more
01 Feb 2019
Credits: 1
Fire check recordOur record form is designed to be a short and simple document to keep track of regular fire safety checks. What's covered?Cut downMost fire safety logbooks include separate sheets for fire alarms, fire doors, extinguishers, etc. This ... Read more
28 Apr 2014
Credits: 1
Fire log checklistKeep your fire safety records organised so that you can access vital information quickly when the need arises, e.g. for an audit or inspection. Use our form to simplify this task.Why use it?Your fire safety records need to be contin... Read more
05 Dec 2022
Credits: 1
Fire marshal recordAs part of your fire log book it's a good idea to include details of the fire marshals appointed within the premises. Use our fire marshal record for the purpose.What's covered?Our Fire Marshal Record allows space for the premises na... Read more
07 Nov 2022
Credits: 1
Monthly fire door inspection recordFire doors slow the spread of fire and smoke in a building, allowing occupants to escape. These need to be properly maintained and our monthly fire door inspection record will help you to achieve this.Legal requirem... Read more
01 Sep 2010
Credits: 1