Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Health and safety policy checklistDeveloping a health and safety policy is difficult to get right and topics may be overlooked. Use our checklist to identify hazards faced by your business which should be included.Completing the checklistUse our Heal... Read more
04 Apr 2023
Credits: 1
Health and safety policy - organisationHealth and safety policies comprise three parts: a general statement of commitment; a description of the responsibilities allocated to fulfil the policy (known as your "Organisation"); and details of the "Arrangeme... Read more
15 Jun 2010
Credits: 1
Health & safety whistleblowing policyIf employees come forward with concerns about hazards, short cuts or mismanagement, they should be protected from any adverse reaction. Use our document to set out your expectations for both employees and manageme... Read more
30 Oct 2019
Credits: 1
Laptop health and safety policyWhilst laptops have undoubtedly boosted the productivity of staff outside the office, they can lead to aches and pains if misused. To combat this, introduce a Laptop Health and Safety Policy.Safe use of laptopsLaptops a... Read more
14 Aug 2009
Credits: 1
Homeworking policyWorking from home can lead to confusion about responsibilities. Use our policy to set out how these are divided between the employee and employer.Legal dilemmaHealth and safety legislation and guidance on homeworking are minimal whi... Read more
01 Mar 2021
Credits: 1
Legionella management policyLegionella bacteria grow in systems wherever water is stored or stagnates between 20ºC and 50ºC. The bacteria are spread in droplets which, when inhaled, can cause Legionnaires' disease, a potentially fatal condition. Our... Read more
30 Aug 2009
Credits: 1
Lock out tag out policyBy implementing our policy you can ensure that staff work to safe standards and reduce the likelihood of an accident through error by isolating equipment from energy sources before work commences.Why introduce a new policy?If y... Read more
07 Nov 2022
Credits: 1
Lone worker policyDue to the risks that can arise from staff working alone, it's important that you have a lone worker policy in place to help you manage them.Managing lone workingLone working is another potential threat to staff safety. Therefore, it... Read more
03 Jul 2009
Credits: 1
Letter to employee - health questionnaireIf you have concerns over an employee's fitness to work, you may want them to complete a health questionnaire. If so, issue a covering letter to explain exactly what's happening and why.Letter to employeeThere m... Read more
20 Jul 2009
Credits: 1
Letters to GPDealing with an absent employee's GP over long-term sickness absence can be frustrating due to the lack of information provided. You can combat this by using a letter to obtain the necessary details.Dealing with GPsAt some point you're lik... Read more
14 Dec 2009
Credits: 1