Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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HSMS health checkA health and safety management system (HSMS) can be complex, but a check will help alert you to any instabilities and issues within it. Use our form to review each key performance indicator (KPI) individually and assess whether you a... Read more
05 Sep 2022
Credits: 1
Inspecting public areas checklistIf parts of your premises are accessible to members of the public, then you'll need to take special care to protect them. Our checklist will help you spot any problems.Why you need this checklistMembers of the public a... Read more
07 May 2022
Credits: 1
Management review checklistWhen reviewing your company's health and safety performance you need to be consistent so you don't miss any critical information. Use our checklist for this purpose.Why use it?Using our Management Review Checklist prompts dis... Read more
01 Jun 2022
Credits: 1
Health, safety and environment onboarding It's essential that new hires in managerial or supervisory positions cover all aspects of health, safety and environment that are relevant to their role. Capture evidence that they have had a robust induction ... Read more
02 Jun 2023
Credits: 1
Night shift supervisor checklistNight shift work can bring many safety challenges, from fatigue to having a lack of management present. Use our checklist to ensure standards are maintained and to evidence that competent supervision is in place.Using ... Read more
10 Oct 2022
Credits: 1
Record form for inspectionsIf you've had a visit from a health and safety inspector, or any enforcing authority figure, it's a good idea to create some notes to help recall the details at a later date.  Use our form for this purpose.When you need the ... Read more
07 May 2022
Credits: 1
Reduced staffing levels checklistWith hybrid working becoming a more established working pattern, particularly for office-based workers, you need to consider the implications of fewer staff in the office on safety-critical roles, tasks and inspection... Read more
09 May 2022
Credits: 1
Shared premises health and safety checklistIf you control a premises which has more than one commercial tenant you'll have a mix of health and safety responsibilities. Use our checklist to audit your current arrangements.Who's in charge?You may have a ... Read more
06 Dec 2021
Credits: 1
Request for change or modification It's becoming increasingly important to manage changes so that there are no negative impacts to your business. Our form provides you with a detailed record of what's been changed or modified, why and when.What's covere... Read more
05 Sep 2022
Credits: 1
Safety representatives charterIf you have safety representatives or representatives of employees' safety in your workplace, their purpose and duties can occasionally be overlooked due to normal day-to-day activities. Use our charter to define your exp... Read more
06 Jan 2023
Credits: 1