Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Deductions from wages clauseA deductions from wages clause enables you to make deductions from an employee's pay in the event that the employee fails to work out their notice period or where they otherwise owe you money. Unauthorised deductionsSubject... Read more
05 Feb 2024
Credits: 1
Voluntary and charity work policyAs part of your corporate social responsibility (CSR), you might want to grant staff a small number of paid or unpaid days off each year to undertake volunteering or charity work, or to allow them temporary flexible w... Read more
11 Apr 2013
Credits: 1
Payroll giving policyUse our policy to introduce a scheme to enable you to help charity by facilitating employees to make regular tax-efficient charitable donations directly from their salary.Scheme operationA payroll giving scheme is fairly simply t... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Use of chemicals at work policyIf you use chemicals as an integral part of your work process, it makes sense to have a separate policy that details how you approach their safe use. So why not use ours to help get you started?A standalone policyIf you... Read more
04 Aug 2009
Credits: 1
Employment of ex-offenders policyThe Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 provides that, after a stipulated period of time, individuals who have been convicted of criminal offences and who have served their sentences are, with some exceptions, not ob... Read more
08 Mar 2019
Credits: 1
Business travel policyReducing the amount of travelling staff are asked to do has been singled out as one good way to cut the amount of carbon a business is responsible for. Cut the carbonTo help manage and restrict the costs associated with travel, ... Read more
29 Jan 2021
Credits: 1
Time to train acceptance letterOnce you've held a meeting with an employee under the statutory time to train procedure, you then need to take a decision on their application and notify it to them in writing with 14 days of the meeting date. If you acc... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Training costs agreementIf you invest in external training for staff and are worried they might leave as soon as they've obtained their certificate, qualification or whatever, consider asking your employees to sign a training costs agreement. But do n... Read more
09 Oct 2020
Credits: 1
Dismissal with notice letter (misconduct)If you've followed the warnings procedure to its natural conclusion, it means that a dismissal is going to be inevitable, but again only after a disciplinary hearing. When you want to confirm a dismissal on gro... Read more
05 Nov 2013
Credits: 1
Permit to work - lift shaftsWhen contractors or in-house staff work in the lift pit or on top of the lift car, there are some obvious and serious risks. Control the work by using our permit to work - lift shafts document.Who should use it?The permit ... Read more
03 Jan 2012
Credits: 1