Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Workplace environment policySetting out your workplace environment policy makes it clear that you've met the legal requirements, plus it helps to manage staff expectations.When to use the policyIf you're drawing up health and safety policies to cover a... Read more
27 Jan 2012
Credits: 1
Letter enclosing a company policy Sometimes, an employee will need to be sent a copy of a particular company policy. This might be because they're off sick or you feel that it's appropriate to highlight certain workplace rules and procedures. In this s... Read more
23 Aug 2011
Credits: 1
Requirement to travel clauseIf you need your employee to travel as part of their job, for example to attend meetings with customers etc., it's better to include a specific "requirement to travel" clause. That way, there's no misunderstanding about what y... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Probation period clauseIt's common for new employees to be subject to a probation period, during which time you will closely monitor their performance and conduct. However, be aware that labelling an employee as a "probationer" has very little effect on... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Mediation policyIf you have a dispute with an employee, one option is for it to be resolved through mediation. Our mediation policy advises employees of the existence of mediation as a method of resolving workplace disputes.Mediation definedMediation... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Stress at work policyWith stress related problems now being the second biggest cause of sickness absence, you should have a stress policy in place. Take a look at ours to help you avoid any unnecessary absences.Stress at workAccording to recent resea... Read more
01 May 2009
Credits: 1
Volunteer policyIf you use volunteers to help out occasionally, you still have health and safety responsibilities towards them. So to avoid any doubt, put a policy in place that describes how you will manage these volunteers.Managing volunteersA grow... Read more
06 Sep 2009
Credits: 1
Job-share clauseIf two employees share a full-time role on a job-share basis, it's worth inserting our job-share clause into both of their contracts of employment. Be aware that if one job sharer leaves, you can't just dismiss the other one.Legal posit... Read more
22 Dec 2015
Credits: 1
Email and internet policyIt's important in all office-based workplaces to have policy statements on the use of computers, email and the internet at work and on using the telephone. Our email and internet policy includes provisions on acceptable use, s... Read more
12 Jun 2023
Credits: 1
Road incident formIf an employee who drives on company business is involved in an incident/accident, you're likely to need the details. This checklist is to be completed shortly after the incident (ideally by your employee) providing a contemporaneous ... Read more
05 Oct 2015
Credits: 1