Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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References policyEvery employer is asked for a reference at some stage. But how should you respond - if indeed you choose to respond at all? How should you give the reference? What sort of detail should it contain? Our policy provides the answers.Re... Read more
31 May 2018
Credits: 1
Reimbursement of expenses policy Use our reimbursement of expenses policy statement to set out your rules on expenses. Make sure you're as unambiguous and comprehensive as possible to avoid abuse and prevent confusion by your staff on when they can in... Read more
11 Jun 2021
Credits: 1
Relocation policyIf you require a new recruit to move near to their place of work and you are willing to contribute towards the cost of the move, then our relocation policy is just what you are looking for.Relocation, relocation, relocationIf you are... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Right to search policyIf you search an employee without their consent, it not only amounts to the civil offence of trespass but may also constitute a criminal assault. You therefore need to ensure you have a contractually binding right to search poli... Read more
16 Feb 2018
Credits: 1
Suspension clauseWhere you have a reasonable belief that an employee may have committed an act of gross or very serious misconduct, you may wish to consider suspending them during the investigation and pending a formal disciplinary hearing. A suspe... Read more
12 May 2023
Credits: 1
Resignation policyWhen an employee resigns, in most cases you'll want to know the reason why so it's useful to conduct an exit interview or ask the employee to complete an exit questionnaire. In addition, it's important for the employee to know the arra... Read more
07 Dec 2018
Credits: 1
Pension auto-enrolment: record of employees enrolled Under pension auto-enrolment every employer is required to operate an approved pension scheme for its staff. There are no concessions for smaller businesses. It's useful to have an overview includin... Read more
01 Apr 2016
Credits: 1
Third party pressure to dismiss clauseWhere a client refuses to have one of your employees back on its site, it is possible to dismiss the employee, but you'll first need to show you did everything you could to change the client's mind or to secure the... Read more
01 Oct 2012
Credits: 1
Counselling form Use our form to arrange counselling for employees. You may either offer a professional stress counselling service directly or for most small businesses it will be more appropriate to outsource this service. This will help in your def... Read more
16 Feb 2018
Credits: 1
Religious observance policyOur policy explains how you will support employees who observe certain religious practices. Refusing to accommodate a request for time off for religious observance might amount to indirect religious discrimination, unless y... Read more
13 Feb 2019
Credits: 1