Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Environmental organisationTo provide some detail to accompany your organisational chart on environmental matters use our template.What's covered?This Environmental Organisation document is designed to provide information on who does what in each topic... Read more
23 Dec 2020
Credits: 1
Environmental purchasing policyUsing our environmental purchasing policy will help you to fulfil your environmental responsibilities and influence your suppliers, so that you can justifiably claim that you are "greening the supply chain".What's covered?... Read more
13 Jun 2009
Credits: 1
Environmental benchmarking and performance indicatorsGauging the success or failure of a scheme is very difficult without evidence that is clear and concise. The best way to achieve this is to create meaningful benchmarks and use industry standard ca... Read more
11 Oct 2015
Credits: 1
Guidance note - statutory nuisance - enforcementIf you're responsible for causing a statutory nuisance, you're likely to receive much interest from your local authority environmental health department. Our guidance document identifies how you should de... Read more
05 Oct 2016
Credits: 1
Oil storage policy and procedureUse our policy and procedure to set out your plans for prevention of oil spillage.Showing commitmentOur Oil Storage Policy and Procedure can form part of your formal environmental management system or it can be a stand... Read more
07 Jun 2021
Credits: 1
Guidance note - statutory nuisanceIf activities on your site are causing a nuisance to others, you must take action to resolve them. Use our guidance document to better understand what statutory nuisances are and how to rectify issues linked to them.... Read more
09 Nov 2020
Credits: 1
Waste management checklistThe efficient management of waste has many benefits, including compliance with legislation, helping to control vermin and reducing the costs of disposal. Use our checklist to identify potential areas of improvement.Why use i... Read more
08 Apr 2019
Credits: 1
Dust management checklistFailure to manage dust properly is likely to provoke complaints from neighbours. If there is dust on your site that could cause a problem, you should work out where it could be blown to, and identify how you intend to control... Read more
30 Apr 2019
Credits: 1
Noise management checklistMaking too much noise is a sure-fire way of upsetting your neighbours. As such, you need to identify where noise is being created and take steps to reduce levels where possible.Noise management Noisy neighbours are the class... Read more
04 Jan 2019
Credits: 1
Fume and odour management checklistNasty niffs, whether on a small or industrial scale, can impact on quality of life. As such, you need to ensure that your business isn't having a negative effect on your neighbours. Fume and odour management Do your ... Read more
07 Nov 2009
Credits: 1