Workplace and Environment

So that you can deal with every employment, health & safety, risk assessment and environmental situation

Topics: Employment law, Health & safety, Risk assessment, Environmental document

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Job share particulars This letter may be used to record an agreed job share arrangement, for example following a flexible working request.  Legal positionA job share occurs where two (or possibly more) employees share the duties and responsibilities... Read more
23 Jan 2020
Credits: 1
Letter confirming a reduction in hours requestUse our letter to issue to an employee once it's been agreed they can reduce their hours from full-time to part-time work. It sets out the relevant changes to their contractual terms consequent on such a r... Read more
23 Jan 2020
Credits: 1
Letter confirming an increase in hours requestUse our letter to issue to an employee once it's been agreed they can increase their hours of work. It sets out the relevant changes to their contractual terms consequent on such a request.Statutory provis... Read more
28 Jan 2020
Credits: 1
Homeworker clausesIf you recruit an employee who is to work from home for all of their working time, as opposed to working at your business premises, you can use our clauses to insert into their employment contract.Alternative clausesWith homeworking... Read more
09 Oct 2020
Credits: 1
Letter enclosing contract of employmentYou must issue new employees (and workers) with a written statement of employment particulars no later than day one of employment, but you might instead provide a more detailed employment contract. Use our lette... Read more
02 Dec 2020
Credits: 1
GDPR data breach policy and response planUse our document to ensure the prompt and effective detection, investigation, reporting and resolution of personal data breaches.Personal data breachUnder the UK GDPR, certain personal data breaches must be no... Read more
11 May 2018
Credits: 1
GDPR data protection impact assessmentA data protection impact assessment is required where a new type of processing is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects. Use our document as your starting point.What's a DPIA?... Read more
12 Apr 2019
Credits: 1
GDPR data processor clausesIf you use any third-party processors to handle employees' personal data, you must by law include a number of key written terms governing data protection in the commercial contracts you enter into with them.Processor obligat... Read more
04 Jan 2019
Credits: 1
GDPR consent to use of employee's imageNormally, you can't rely on an employee's consent as the lawful basis for processing their personal data. However, using their image in marketing materials can be an exception if they have a genuine choice about wh... Read more
12 Apr 2019
Credits: 1
Work outside the UK clauseIf an employee is to be posted overseas for more than a month, as part of their written statement of employment particulars, you must provide details of the duration of the posting, the currency their salary will be paid in,... Read more
06 Jan 2017
Credits: 1